How We Think
The Five Digital Imperatives
A platform for digital business is comprised of five pillars – we call them imperatives because they’re “must have” not “nice to have.”
Relentless Automation
If you can’t automate it, ask yourself why? Always automate where it makes sense for the business, which in most cases are those hi-frequency, mundane tasks that pull resources away from more impactful work.
Scaled DevOps
A digital business demands better software, faster – but now done at enterprise scale. And where ‘better’ includes more secure software as well.
Integrated Security
Security should be included in every conversation and project – not as roadblocks, but as guardrails that safely allow the business to move faster.
Enterprise Cloud
The IT industry is filled with competing terms – public cloud, private cloud, multi-cloud, hybrid cloud, and on. But in reality, there’s only your cloud – your enterprise cloud. And for the foreseeable future, that enterprise cloud must be a mixture of on-premises and off-premises tailored to your business.